Category: post

  • patterns | gradients | scale

    Today I attended the “How to Create Change Without Breaking Everything” workshop held at Metro, and lead by Metro’s Executive Director, Nate Hill. Hill opened the workshop by introducing three concepts in relation to the concept of “Change Management”: patterns, gradients, and scales. In speaking about patterns, Hill mentioned that…

  • archives tour [WNYC|WQXR]

    archives tour [WNYC|WQXR]

    On Wednesday, November 8th, I attended a tour of the WNYC Archives, which was put together by ASIS&T Pratt and Pratt SAA. Our tour guide was Andy Lanset, who started the archives department of WNYC in 2000. This came as a bit of a shock to me. That is relatively…

  • restart

    Coming back to this blog now that I’m in graduate school for school and personal purposes. I’m leaving all of my 5+ year old content up – odd syntax, weird [non] capitalization, and all – because that content was from a deeply instructive part of my life, and I never…

  • making making

    so many things tell a person not to write, not to express, not to make, the first of which being “I hope I’m not unknowingly creating crap.” <- that seems to be the loudest voice of my internal chorus. another voice yelps “what’s the point?”, a rhetorical question designed to…

  • bloodshed

    I have not written for 10 months here. This past week I have very much wanted to do so, to be more assertive about writing other than emphatically scribbling on pads of paper while on public transit or in the corner of Flloyd’s Coffee Shop during lunch. On Tuesday, there…

  • << because we are t[o] many>>

    << because we are t[o] many>> ↓ still shots from JUDE, directed by michael waterbottom ↓ when the sky is ungreyed & i am unfettered with briskly walking back to work from lunch and i am not crouched underneath an umbrella of “should have’s,” i swear my eyes dilate to…

  • the “loud music” trial

    The “Loud Music” Trial :: The Shooting of Jordan Davis I regularly listen to NPR programming throughout my day. The following is a portion of the transcript from the February 19th interview of NPR’s Gene Demby by NPR’s Steve Inskeep. Demby had spoken with two writers, Jamelle Couie, staff writer…

  • run with

    last evening, yesterday evening, i rode the d train in from the reservoir to fenway to attend an art opening at the fourth wall project. I finished up my morning reading on the train. and the next article pulled my mouth open, and i sat in horror :: tortured afghan…

  • very dangerous things.

    when  life become reality rather than being conceptual themes discussed in high school english class, common phrases and words of wisdom are so clean and fresh to the ear that they are like a new creation in themselves, seemingly never before actualized or organized into thought. do not judge. which…

  • odd bout

    work was quiet today at the gallery – thank goodness. this week was a bit of a whirlwind, but we’re nearing the end of it now. after work finished i took dartmouth south past the library, grabbed a drink and walked along tremont street to the piano factory. alexa guariglia…